• Control lights using computer

    As part of our Laboratory Activity 1 in ECE 108: Digital Electronics class, we were told to create a system that can control light bulb using a computer. We were not given any manual so its up to us how we can come up with that kind of system. In our design, we used Arduino Uno to provide communication from the computer to a relay. The relay connected to the Arduino served as the switch that can ON or OFF the lights. The software to control the lights was programmed using Microsoft Visual Studio and it was written using C# programming language. The instruction from the computer is sent using Serial communication.

  • Driving a 7-segment display using Arduino UNO

    Supposedly, our laboratory assignment for our Digital Electronics class is driving a 7-Segment display. However, we weren’t able to perform it due to time constraint brought by the Typhoon Odette. Curios as I am, I decided to perform it anyway without lab intruction from our instructor. My first attempt is to use an Arduino UNO to drive 7-segment display by mapping the corresponsing segments for a decimal digit and store it as an array.

  • Operational Amplifier: Non-Inverting using LM358

    Another lesson I had in my Electronics 2 class is Operational Amplifier. I heard this component in electroincs is very common and useful in a lot of applications. Luckily, I found a LM358 op amp in my components bin. I decided to creat a non-inverting amplifier using an op-amp to confirm the things discussed in the class with this component.

  • Full Wave Rectifier using 4 Diodes

    Another application of diode that was discussed in the Electronics 1 class is the full wave rectifier. This type of rectifier is more efficient than the half wave rectifier because it makes use of the other half cycle. I believe that full wave rectifier is far more superior and common than the half wave rectifier. Because of this, I decided to create a circuit in a breadboard and see it in action. The full wave rectifier I demonstrated used 4 diodes in total. Another way to achieve a full wave rectification is to used a center tapped transformer.

  • Half Wave Rectifier

    Diode applications is one of the topics discussed in our Electronics 1 subject. One application is the half-wave rectifier. Even though we are in the midst of pandemic when I took the subject, I thought it was cool to see this in action. Using my budget electronics tools, I created a half-wave rectifier circuit in a breadboard to see the actual waveforms.

  • Blinking an LED with Arduino using TinkerCAD

    Our instructor in EE 101 told us to get oriented about TinkerCAD. Unfortunately, some of my classmates do not own a laptop or desktop. This is a problem because TinkerCAD is a web-based simulator which works properly using desktop or laptop only. As an initiative, I created a video demonstrating the TinkerCAD environment. I picked the Blink because it’s one of the basics. We also did something like this in the past so I think it’s easy to follow. I just wanted to show the TinkerCAD environment so that we are on the same page.

  • Measuring VOLTAGE, CURRENT, and RESISTANCE using Digital Multimeter

    A multimeter or a multitester is an electronic measuring instrument that combines several measurement functions in one unit. A typical multimeter can measure voltage, current, and resistance. Multimeters are divided into two types depending on the way the indication is displayed: analog and digital. In this blog post, I will use my cheap manual ranging digital multimeter because it is likely to be more accessible to everyone. Multimeters availabe in the market vary from price, accuracy, size, and appearance but generally operates in the same manner.

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